Physical Therapy
- "Mc Connell - Concept: Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome" (1993)
- "Mc Connell - Concept: Impingement-Syndrom" (1996)
- Seminar: Taping in Sport (1995)
- Basic Formation: Lymphdrainage Dr. Vodder (1994-1995)
- Education: Applied Kinesiology (1993-1994), International College of Applied Kinesiology, Brussels - Belgium
- Education: Biomatrix" University Witten-Herdecke, Germany (2006-2007)
- Postgraduate “Short Lever Technique, Prof. L. Hartman - B.S.O.” (2008), Flanders International College of Osteopathy, Antwerpen
- Education: Posturometría, Tenerife (2009)